LOOK WHAT’S NEW !!!!!!!!!!!!
The Employee Portal is NOW called the Employee Service Portal.
This updated looking portal still offers all the same viewing capabilities as before --- paychecks, leaves, employer forms, however it has a fresher look and a few NEW capabilities.
You can now request Address, Phone Number and Emergency Contact changes right on the portal.
The NEW Link is https://www.aliosolutions.net/STRATFORD The old portal address will be taken down from our servers as of July 1, 2016.
In order to access this new site, you will need to Create An Account. Your current employee portal username and password will not work.
The Board of Education strongly suggests you make your username: Last Name, First Initial. This would be similar to your email address. For example: NICHOLSONS
Also, you will need to know your Employee ID Number in order to re-register. For most employees, your copier code is your Employee ID Number.
Please log in and take a look at this NEW site.
TIP: Make sure to check out the Employer Forms page. It has a lot of great information from the Personnel, Finance and Payroll Departments.