Stratford Education Association

Changing the world, one student at a time…

Teacher Evaluation and Growth

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The SEA and Central Office Administration agree that...

  • There should be consistency of evaluation processes between and among schools.
  • SLOs and professional goals shall be mutually agreed upon.
  • Observations of teachers shall take place between September and the beginning of May. 
  • Teachers on an “informal” evaluation cycle will have at least one observation conducted prior to the mid-year conference.
  • Teachers being observed on an “informal” evaluation cycle or undergoing a “review of practice” shall receive written feedback in addition to the sharing of ratings and/or a summary of the script of the lesson in EdReflect. 
  • Teachers shall receive an end-of-the-year rating for the Parent Feedback Goal based upon the teacher’s attainment of their goal which supports the school wide goal set by the administrator.
  • Teachers scheduled for a Leave of Absence during the school year will come to mutual agreement with their evaluator for how the teacher will receive summative ratings prior to the leave taking place.