Stratford Education Association

Changing the world, one student at a time…

CEA Hotline

We know how important your evaluation is to you and your profession, and CEA is here to help you through the ups and downs, challenges, and issues that may arise. But we can’t do that without you. We need to know your concerns and the problems you may be facing.

That’s why we’ve established a new CEA Hotline for you to call regarding questions, concerns, or issues about your district’s new teacher evaluation process and how it’s affecting you.

The CEA Hotline number is 860-725-6305, or you may call toll-free at 1-855-680-4232.

As you know, the state provides an opportunity for districts to resubmit their plans each year. We will use the information you provide as a foundation to support our members as we identify critical modifications needed in district evaluation plans.